Incorporation #: Y0647029 Since:
We are a family orientated 4WD Club that has a membership of around 40 families.
Meetings are once a month and visitors are always welcome to attend.
Our club is made up of some of the original members, as well as young families and single people. The model/make of your 4WD is not of concern.
We do put on quite a few day trips and overnight trips and we also host a multitude of family social events throughout the year, such as bowling nights, dinners, BBQ’s, putt-putt and many others.
We generally have at least one long trip hosted each year, (2 weeks or more on a 4WD trip).
There is a requirement before being voted into the club that a visitor must attend 2 trips, one of at least 1 overnight stay. You need to do the 2 trips and join the club within a 3 month period.